Einzigartiges Referenzwerk zur LAN Switching Technologie, umfassend überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Vermittelt ein solides Verständnis der mitunter komplexen Features und Optionen für LAN Switches. Dokumentiert ausführlich alle Neuerungen zu Netzwerkschichten, Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, LAN-Segmentierung, Layer 3- und Layer 4-Switches, Multilayer-Switches, MLT, IST, SMLT, Sicherheit, QoS und Troubleshooting. Deckt das komplette Themenspektrum ab - angefangen bei Switch-Funktionen und -Features, über Anwendung und Design von LAN Switches und Switched Networks, bis hin zu Technologieintegration und Netzwerkmanagement. Enthält auch bislang unveröffentlichtes Material zu Link Aggregation, Virtuellen LANs und Layer 3-Switches.
Rich Seifert is President of Networks & Communications Consulting. He has contributed to the design of a wide range of products including LAN switches. Jim Edwards is a Nortel Networks certified support specialist specializing in network architecture, specifically switching, and virtual private networks. Working in the Premium Support Group consisting of Nortel''s largest Enterprise customers, he has extensive experience with switching technologies.
Preface. Introduction. Part One Foundations of LAN Switches. Chapter 1 Laying the Foundation. Chapter 2 Transparent Bridges. Chapter 3 Bridging Between Technologies. Chapter 4 Principles of LAN Switches. Chapter 5 Loop Resolution. Chapter 6 Source Routing. Part Two Advanced LAN Switch Concepts Chapter 7 Full Duplex Operation. Chapter 8 LAN and Switch Flow Control. Chapter 9 Link Aggregation. Chapter 10 Multicast Pruning. Chapter 11 Virtual LANs: Applications and Concepts. Chapter 12 Virtual LANs: The IEEE Standard. Chapter 13 Priority Operation. Chapter 14 LAN Security. Chapter 15 Switch Management. Chapter 16 Network Troubleshooting Strategies. Chapter 17 Make the Switch! Appendix: Protocol Parsing. References. Glossary. Index.