This thoroughly revised and updated edition includes all new case studies and new original chapters. The topics covered include must be added to each chapter for context: executive communication, executive coaching, communication counsel and the CEO as a communicator; communications and ethics as a whole; corporate social responsibility and sustainability issues; basics of crisis communication. The book also covers current realities like VT shootings and new technologies that affect crisis management; internal communication/employee communication issues; international and multicultural communication issues; generational issues; mixing traditional and social media; government relations; reputation management; basics of marketing communication as well as current trends; and customer relations.
InhaltsangabeThis new edition of The IABC Handbook of Organizational Communication contains a comprehensive collection of practical knowledge about successful corporate communication and its effect on an organization as a whole. Thoroughly revised and updated to meet the realities of today's organizational environment, the second edition of The IABC Handbook of Organizational Communication includes fresh case studies and original chapters. This vital resource contains information that is relevant to communicators in any organization, from global conglomerates to small businesses, public companies to private firms, and for-profits to nonprofits. The expert contributors cover a wealth of relevant topics, including how to excel at executive communication and executive coaching, an in-depth examination of communication counsel, a review of communication and ethics as a whole, a review of corporate social responsibility and sustainability issues, and how to prepare for communication during a crisis. The book also contains information on current issues and trends such as the effects of the recent recession and new technologies that affect strategic communication management. A review of internal and employee communication issues, the growing need for international and multicultural communication, and strategies for combining traditional and social media are explored in detail. Whether you are a professional communicator or a corporate executive without a background in the communication discipline, you will gain new insight into traditional and emerging issues in organizational communication and learn what it takes to reach stakeholders both inside and outside the organization.
Foreword by Natasha Nicholson. Preface. About the Authors. Part One: Foundations of Business Communication. 1 Characteristics of Excellent Communication (James E. Grunig and Larissa A. Grunig). 2 The Corporate Communicator: A Senior-Level Strategist (Nick Durutta). 3 Organizational Culture (Paul M. Sanchez). 4 Communication and the High-Trust Organization (Pamela Shockley-Zalabak and Sherwyn Morreale). 5 Communication Ethics: Think Like a Professional: Don''t Be Idealistic When Sorting Out Right from Wrong (Mark McElreath). 6 Corporate Social Responsibility: The Communicator''s Role as Leader and Advocate (Mary Ann McCauley). 7 Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability (Rob Briggs). Part Two: Managing Communication. 8 Strategic Approaches to Managing the Communications Function (Diane M. Gayeski). 9 Strategic Planning: Timeless Wisdom Still Shapes Successful Communication Programs (Lester R. Potter). 10 Issues Management: Linking Business and Communication Planning (George McGrath). 11 Communicating Change: When Change Just Doesn''t Stop: Creating Really Good Change Communication (Jennifer Frahm). 12 Crisis Communication: Moving from Tactical Response to Proactive Crisis Preparedness (Caroline Sapriel). 13 The Role of Communications in Company Business Strategy (Kellie Garrett). 14 The Impact of Technology on Corporate Communication (Shel Holtz). Part Three: Internal Communication. 15 Internal Communication (Brad Whitworth). 16 Communicating with a Diverse Workforce (Tamara L. Gillis). 17 Integrating Employee Communications Media (Steve Crescenzo). 18 Internal Branding, Employer Branding (Patrick Grady). 19 Communicating for a Merger or an Acquisition (Patricia T. Whalen). 20 The Challenges of Employee Engagement: Throwing Rocks at the Corporate Rhinoceros (Roger D''Aprix). 21 Measuring the Effectiveness of Internal Communication (John Williams). Part Four: Public Relations. 22 Public Relations Research and Planning (Don W. Stacks, Melissa D. Dodd and Rita Linjuan Men). 23 Media Relations (Wilma K. Mathews). 24 Investor Relations and Financial Communication (Karen Vahouny). 25 Government Relations: Connecting Communication to the Public Policy Process (John Larsen and Anna Marie Willey). 26 Reputation Management: Building, Enhancing, and Protecting Organizational Reputation in the Information Age (Alistair J. Nicholas). 27 Measuring Public Relations Programs (Mark Weiner). Part Five: Marketing Communication. 28 Marketing Communication (Lorenzo Sierra). 29 The Engagement of Brands (D. Mark Schumann). 30 Customer Relations: Smart Organizations Think Like Their Customers (Morgan Leu Parkhurst). 31 Measuring Marketing Communication (Lin Grensing-Pophal). Index.