InhaltsangabeForeword. Preface. Acknowledgments. Author. Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: What Can We Do First and Fast? Chapter 3: Performance Analysis Basics. Chapter 4: Opportunities for Performance Analysis. Chapter 5: Putting the Speed in Performance Analysis. Chapter 6: Communicating to Gather Information and Support. Chapter 7: What Technology Contributes. Chapter 8: Finding Meaning, communicating Results. Chapter 9: Tales from the Trenches. Chapter 10: Into the Future. Afterword. Resources for Performance Analysis.
Allison Rossett is a professor of educational technology at San Diego State University and a consultant in workforce learning and performance and technology-based systems. She is the author of the best-selling Handbook of Job Aids (Pfeiffer) and Beyond the Podium (Pfeiffer), both of which are winners of the International Society for Performance Improvement's Instructional Communications award.
Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgments. Author. Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: What Can We Do First and Fast? Chapter 3: Performance Analysis Basics. Chapter 4: Opportunities for Performance Analysis. Chapter 5: Putting the Speed in Performance Analysis. Chapter 6: Communicating to Gather Information and Support. Chapter 7: What Technology Contributes. Chapter 8: Finding Meaning, communicating Results. Chapter 9: Tales from the Trenches. Chapter 10: Into the Future. Afterword. Resources for Performance Analysis.