InhaltsangabeSection I: Ecology. Ecology of Freshwater Plants. Plant-Environment Interactions in Freshwater Systems. Section II: Distribution. Freshwater Plants and Aquatic Weed Problems. Section III: Management. Control of Freshwater and Riparian Vegetation. Strategic and Regional Studies. Chemical and Physical Approaches. Biological and Biomanipulative Approaches. Control of Algae. Section IV: Management (Continued). Utilisation of Freshwater and Riparian Vegetation.
Section I: Ecology. Ecology of Freshwater Plants. Plant-Environment Interactions in Freshwater Systems. Section II: Distribution. Freshwater Plants and Aquatic Weed Problems. Section III: Management. Control of Freshwater and Riparian Vegetation. Strategic and Regional Studies. Chemical and Physical Approaches. Biological and Biomanipulative Approaches. Control of Algae. Section IV: Management (Continued). Utilisation of Freshwater and Riparian Vegetation.