InhaltsangabeIntroduction 1 Part I: Introducing Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy 7 Chapter 1: Improving Your Wellbeing with Mindfulness 9 Chapter 2: Deciding to Lead a Mindful Existence 23 Chapter 3: Putting Mindfulness into Practice with the Eight-Week Course 39 Part II: Sailing Your Personal Ship - the Eight-Week MBCT Course 59 Chapter 4: Preparing for the Voyage - Week One: Practising Mindfulness and Stepping Out of Autopilot 61 Chapter 5: Plotting the Course - Week Two: Cultivating the Right Attitude 77 Chapter 6: Setting Sail - Week Three: Developing Physical Awareness 97 Chapter 7: Weathering the Storm - Week Four: Dealing with Diffi culties 115 Chapter 8: Navigating Troubled Waters - Week Five: Relinquishing Attachments 133 Chapter 9: Going with the Current - Week Six: Accepting the True Nature of Thoughts 153 Chapter 10: Coming Into Port - Week Seven: Looking After Your Own Wellbeing 173 Chapter 11: Looking Beyond the Horizon to the Rest of Your Life - Week Eight: Living Mindfully 191 Part III: Developing Different Treatment Practices 209 Chapter 12: Stopping the Cycle of Depression 211 Chapter 13: Breaking Free from Addiction 231 Chapter 14: Relieving the Strain of Anxiety 249 Chapter 15: Nurturing Hope While Living with Pain 265 Chapter 16: Finding Purpose and Meaning When You're Older 281 Chapter 17: Bringing Harmony to Your Life 301 Part IV: The Part of Tens 325 Chapter 18: Ten Ways to Expand Your Mindfulness Experience 327 Chapter 19: Checking Out Ten Inspirational People 335 Chapter 20: Surveying (Almost) Ten Inspirational Places to Visit 343 Index 349
Dr Patrizia Collard is a counsellor, trainer, coach and therapist. She is a member of numerous professional associations, including BABCP, UKCP, ISMA, the Association for Coaching, the Austrian Association for Behaviour Therapy and the Institute for Health Promotion and Education and Obsessive Action.