"Foundations of the Formal Sciences" (FotFS) is a series of interdisciplinary conferences in mathematics, philosophy, computer science and linguistics. The main goal is to reestablish the traditionally strong links between these areas of research that have been lost in the past decades. The second conference in the series had the subtitle "Applications of Mathematical Logic in Philosophy and Linguistics" and brought speakers from all parts of the Formal Sciences together to give a holistic view of how mathematical methods can improve our philosophical and technical understanding of language and scientific discourse, ranging from the theoretical level up to applications in language recognition software. Audience: This volume is of interest to all formal philosophers and theoretical linguists. In addition to that, logicians interested in the applications of their field and logic students in mathematics, computer science, philosophy and linguistics can use the volume to broaden their knowledge of applications of logic.
Hersteller: Springer Verlag GmbH
[email protected]Tiergartenstr. 17
DE 69121 Heidelberg
Preface. List of Participants. Schedule. The Diversity of Models in Statistical Mechanics: Views about the Structure of Scientific Theories; A. Barberousse. Mathematical Logic and Natural Language: Life at the Border; J. van Benthem. Bayesian Networks in Philosophy; L. Bovens, S. Hartmann. An Application of Circular Definitions: Rational Decision; A. Chapuis. Two-Dimensionalism and the Metaphysical Possibility of Zombies; D. Cohnitz. Topics in Reverse Mathematics; M. Giusto. The Logic of Intensional Predicates; L. Horsten. The So-Called Materially Valid Inferences and the Logic of Concepts; L. Jansen, N. Strobach. Analysis and Design from a Viewpoint of Information Flow; M. Kikuchi. Features in Phonological Theory; M. Kracht. New Semantics for Modal Predicate Logics; O. Kutz. What is Input/Output Logic? D. Makinson, L. van der Torre. The Gupta-Belnap Fixed-Point Problem and the Theory of Clones of Functions; J.M. Fernandez. Situated Reasoning in Time about Time; A.G.B. ter Meulen. Generic Ontology of Linguistic Classification; R. Osswald. Techniques and Methods of Science from a Structuralist Point of View; M. Rotter. Proof Theory and Formal Grammars: Applications of Normalization; H.-J. Tiede. World Travelling and Mood Swings; K.F. Wehmeier. Synchrony and Composition: Toward a Cognitive Architecture between Classicism and Connectionism; M. Werning. References.