InhaltsangabeIntroduction Number Magic Periodic Structures Nuclear Synthesis Nuclidic Periodicity and Stability Hidden Symmetry Number Patterns Cosmic Structure Nuclear Structure and Properties Holistic Symmetry Number Theory Primer Introduction Numbers and Arithmetic Distribution of Prime Numbers Fibonacci Numbers Rational Fractions Modular Arithmetic Periodic Arithmetic Functions Periodic Table of the Elements Historical Development Theoretical Development Conclusion Structure of Atomic Nuclei Introduction Mass and Binding Energy Theoretical Models Particle Physics Elements of Cosmography Historical Cosmological Paradoxes Cosmological Models Chirality of Spacetime The Vacuum Substratum The Periodic Laws Introduction Number Spiral and Periodic Laws General Periodic Function Hidden Symmetry Neutron Periodicity Nuclide Periodicity Periodicity and Number Theory Introduction Nuclear Synthesis by aparticle addition Nuclides in Farey Sequence Triangle of Stability Nuclear Stability Golden Parabola Properties of Atomic Matter Periodicity Nuclear Stability Nuclear Structure The Grand Pattern The Golden Ratio Nuclear Structure Five Domains Matter Transformation The Golden Excess Introduction Nuclide Periodicity Superfluidity Structure of the Nucleus Superconductivity Nuclear Stability Chemical Periodicity Introduction Electronegativity Chemical Bonding Epilogue
Hersteller: Springer Verlag GmbH
[email protected]Tiergartenstr. 17
DE 69121 Heidelberg
InhaltsangabeIntroduction Number Magic Periodic Structures Nuclear Synthesis Nuclidic Periodicity and Stability Hidden Symmetry Number Patterns Cosmic Structure Nuclear Structure and Properties Holistic Symmetry Number Theory Primer Introduction Numbers and Arithmetic Distribution of Prime Numbers Fibonacci Numbers Rational Fractions Modular Arithmetic Periodic Arithmetic Functions Periodic Table of the Elements Historical Development Theoretical Development Conclusion Structure of Atomic Nuclei Introduction Mass and Binding Energy Theoretical Models Particle Physics Elements of Cosmography Historical Cosmological Paradoxes Cosmological Models Chirality of Space-time The Vacuum Substratum The Periodic Laws Introduction Number Spiral and Periodic Laws General Periodic Function Hidden Symmetry Neutron Periodicity Nuclide Periodicity Periodicity and Number Theory Introduction Nuclear Synthesis by a-particle addition Nuclides in Farey Sequence Triangle of Stability Nuclear Stability Golden Parabola Properties of Atomic Matter Periodicity Nuclear Stability Nuclear Structure The Grand Pattern The Golden Ratio Nuclear Structure Five Domains Matter Transformation The Golden Excess Introduction Nuclide Periodicity Superfluidity Structure of the Nucleus Superconductivity Nuclear Stability Chemical Periodicity Introduction Electronegativity Chemical Bonding Epilogue