This volume surveys the ways in which our globalized world has manifested itself in design since ca 1970, and the ways in which design has evolved to serve a globalized world. The point of departure is a conception of design which encompasses -architecture, graphics, the media, fashion, product and industrial design, as well as the shaping of the manmade environment and of production processes. The focus is on the formation of global networks in the areas of communication, production, commerce, finance, and mobility. The diverse phenomena of globalization are visualized through film, products, clothing, images, and models by well-known artists such as Armin Linke, Fischli Weiss, Didier Faustino, and Thomas Demand. Alongside the shipping container, an indispensable element of globalization, the presentation provides insights into cultural transfer both in the present day and historically, and presents -globalization in relationship to regionalism as well as to worldwide trends.
Hersteller: Lars Müller Publishers GmbH
[email protected]Pfingstweidstrasse 6