'National Debts. Against the Debt Braking' The public sector is increasingly financing itself through borrowing. This is promoted by Zero interest policy. The debt brakes are suspended or ignored. Contrary to all prohibitions, the Central Banks fund their states monetarily. However, the debt brakes are economically unrea-sonable. Austerity constraints are economically and politically devastating. The governments financing of the central banks does not create any debts of their state, since debtors and creditors are identical.
Hersteller: Duncker & Humblot GmbH
[email protected]Carl-Heinrich-Becker-Weg 9
DE 12165 Berlin
* 1940 Hütten/Pommern; Altsprachliches Abitur Berlin 1960; Studium der Rechte Berlin, Bonn, Tübingen; 1964, 1969 Staatsexamina Berlin; 1969 Dr. iur. FU Berlin; 1986 Habilitation Staats-, Verwaltungs-, privates und öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht, Rechtswissenschaft I, Hamburg; 1969-80 Rechtsanwalt in Berlin; 1972-78 Professor für Wirtschaftsrecht Berlin Abendstudium; 1978-89 Universitätsprofessor Wirtschaftsrecht Hamburg; seit 1989 Ordinarius für öffentliches Recht Erlangen-Nürnberg; 2005 emeritiert.