Repertorium Poenitentiariae Germanicum / Innozenz VIII. (1484-1492)
Verzeichnis der in den Supplikenregistern der Pönitentiarie vorkommenden Personen, Kirchen und Orte des Deutschen Reiches - Innozenz VIII (1484-1492), 2 Bde, Repertorium Poenitentiariae Germanicum VII
Erschienen am
16.12.2008, 1. Auflage 2008
The Repertorium Poenitentiariae Germanicum is an edition of Latin Regesta from the supplication registers of the Penitentiary, the supreme Papal tribunal on penance and dispensations, during the late Middle Ages. Together with the Repertorium Germanicum it represents a further major source for scholarly research in the medieval German empire in the 15th century.
Hersteller: Walter de Gruyter GmbH
De Gruyter GmbH
[email protected]Genthiner Strasse 13
DE 10785 Berlin
Ludwig Schmugge, Alessandra Mosciatti, Rom; Wolfgang Müller, Fordham University, New York.