InhaltsangabePart A: Coherent combining with active phase control Engineering of coherently combined, high- power laser systems Coherent beam combining of fiber amplifiers via LOCSET Kilowatt coherent beam combining of high- power fiber amplifiers using single- frequency dithering technique Active coherent combination using hill- climbing based algorithms for fiber and semiconductor amplifiers Collective coherent cimbining of a large number of fiber amplifiers Coherent beam combining and atmospheric compensation with adaptive fiber- array systems Refractive index changes in rare- earth- doped optical fibers and their application for all- fiber coherent beam combining Coherent beam combining of pulsed fiber amplifiers in the long- pulse regime (nano- to micro- second) Coherent beam combing in the femtosecond regime Part B: Passive and self- organized phase locking Modal theory of coupled resonators for external cavity beam combining Self organized fiber beam combining Coherent combining and phase locking of fiber lasers Intracavity combining of quantum cascade lasers Phase conjugate self- organised coherent beam combination Coherent beam combining using phase controlled stimulated brillouin scattering phase conjugate mirror
Dr. Arnaud Brignon is Head of the Micro and Nano-Physics Laboratory in Thales Research & Technology, France. He received his Engineering Degree in 1991 from the Institut d?Optique Graduate School, and his PhD in 1996 from the Paris University, France. Arnaud Brignon has authored more than 150 papers (including some 30 invited and tutorials) on laser beam control, two books, and 30 patents. In 1996 he received the Fabry-de-Gramont prize from the French Optical Society, in 2000 the Fresnel prize from the European Physical Society, and in 2001 the Technology Review?s Award from the MIT.