InhaltsangabeR. Kadis: Analytical procedure in terms of measurement (quality) assurance; G. Dube: Metrology in chemistry- a public task; J.L. Love: Chemical Metrology, Chemistry and the Uncertainty of Chemical Measurements; R. Dybkaer: From total allowable error via metrological traceability to uncertainty of measurement of the unbiased result; J. Pauwels st al.: The determination of the uncertainty of reference materials certified by laboratory intercomparison; J. Pauwels et al.: Evaluation of uncertainty of reference materials; A. Maroto et al.: Should non-significant bias be included in the uncertainty budget?; L. Brüggemann et al.: Evaluation of measurement uncertainty for analytical procedures using a linear calibration function; P. Tarapcik et al.: Measurement uncertainty distributions and uncertainty propagation by the simulation approach; M. Rösslein: Evaluation of uncertainty utilising the component by component approach; P. Serapinas: Uncertainty of the mean- Statistical approach, 1/f noise and chaos; K. Heydorn: Calibration uncertainty; RM Niemi, SI Niemelä: Measurement uncertainty in microbiology cultivation methods; H. Andersson: The use of uncertainty estimates of test results in comparison with acceptance limits; D.A. Flinchbaugh et al.: A model to set measurement quality objectives and to establish measurement uncertainty expectations in analytical chemistry laboratories using ASTM proficiency test data; AMH van der Veen, J. Pauwels: Uncertainty calculations in the certification of reference materials. 1. Principles of analysis of variance; AMH van der Veen et al.: Uncertainty calculations in the certification of reference materials. 2. Homogeneity study; AMH van der Veen et al.: Uncertainty calculations in the certification of reference materials. 3. Stability study; M. Buzoianu: Some aspects of the evaluation of measurement uncertainty using reference materials;W. Hässelbarth: Uncertainty- The key topic of metrology in chemistry; SLR Ellison, V.J. Barwick:Estimating measurement uncertainty:reconciliation using a cause and effect approach; SLR Ellison, A. Williams: Measurement uncertainty and its implications for collaborative study method validation and method performance parameters; I. Kuselmann, A. Shenhar: Uncertainty in chemical analysis and validation of the analytical method:acid value determination in oils; P. de Zorzi et al.: A practical approach for assessment of sampling uncertainty; Hu Zhengzhi, Liu Li: Quality Assurance for the analytical data of trace elements in food; M. Golze: Customers needs in relation to uncertainty and uncertainty budgets; R. Kadis: Evaluating uncertainty in analytical measurements:pursuit of correctness; A. Rios, M. Valcarcel: A view of uncertainty at the bench analytical level; M. Thompson: Uncertainty of sampling in chemical analysis; M.H. Ramsey: Appropriate rather than representative sampling, based on acceptable levels of uncertainty; J.R. Cowles: Experimental sensitivity analysis applied to sample preparation uncertainties: are ruggedness tests enough for measurement uncertainty estimates?; A.M.H. van der Veen et al.: Relationship between the performance characteristics from an interlaboratory study programme and combined measurement uncertainty: a case study;V.J. Barvik, S.L.R. Ellison: The evaluation of measurement uncertainty from method validation studies Part 1: Description of a laboratory protocol;V.J. Barvik et al.: The evaluation of measurement uncertainty from method validation studies Part 2: The practical application of a laboratory protocol; S. Küppers: Is the estimation of measurement uncertainty a viable alternative to validation?; R.J.N. Bettencourt da Silva et al.: Validation of the uncertainty evaluation for the determination of metals in solid samples by atomic spectrometry; H. Malissa, W. Riepe: Statistical evaluation of uncertainty for rapid tests with discrete readings- examination of wastes and soils; G. Stringari et al.: Influence of two grinding
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