Cephalometric standards of one ethnic group need not apply to other ethnic groups. This study evaluated lateral cephalometric craniofacial changes between 7-10 years & differences between genders for children of Suttur. The linear increase in SNA & SNB from 7-10 years was significant. ANB, A-NPog, A:ss-n-pg there was linear decrease from 7-10 years. Mean basal vertical measurements of PFH, PFH/AFH, Jaw relation & N:Ans there was linear increase in measurement from 7-10 years. Mean values of Jaw relation, Maxillary Inclination & Mandibular Inclination decreased from 7-10 years. Jaw angle was found to be significant change when compared between the genders over years. Mean values of Co-Gn increased from 7-10 years & was significant. Mean dental measurements of U1-NA, U1-NL, U1-Protrusion, U1-Inclination, L1-Inclination, suggested highly significant change over years. Changes in cranial base measurements from 7-10 years suggest continuous growth & remodeling changes of cranial base structures during these years. Growth changes seen in this study is very useful data of Craniofacial changes in Rural Residential School children of Suttur.
Dr.Ravi Shanthraj B.D.S.,M.D.S. Author is working as Associate Professor & P.G.Guide in Dept. of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopeadics at JSS University Mysore has 14 years of teaching experience. He is actively involved in research in Cephalometrics and has publications in National and International Journals with High Impact factor.