This volume is less a piano school than a workshop that can be used flexibly. Advanced piano students, including those returning to the piano, will find many pieces, exercises and tips on topics such as fluency, chord playing, dynamics, cantabile playing, improvisation, song accompaniment and much more. The included audio downloads are an important learning aid, especially with such a demanding range of material. Instrumentation: piano
Fritz Emonts, geboren in Breinig bei Aachen, studierte von 1936-39 Klavier bei Heinz Schüngeler in Hagen und Köln. Nach dem 2. Weltkrieg war er Klavierlehrer am Hagener Musikseminar, von 1963-86 Leiter der von ihm gegründeten städtischen Musikschule, außerdem Professor für Klavier und Klavierdidaktik an der Folkwang Hochschule für Musik in Essen. Emonts schrieb 1958-62 die Klavierschule "Erstes Klavierspiel", 1992-94 die dreibändige "Europäische Klavierschule".
Pieces and Exercises with Triads Thirds Sixths Various Intervals Extended Chords Rhythmic Studies Chromaticism Con espressione Cantabile Playing with Pedal Original and Edited Texts Recital Pieces from Three Centuries Appendices: Suggestions for Improvising Ostinato Bass Patterns Song Accompaniment with Primary and Secondary Triads Completing Melodies Secondary Dominants Improvising over Chord Progressions Seventh chords Introduction to Jazz Harmony