Do you dream of your own, natural bee colony in your garden, and harvesting your very own honey? Do you also want to help bees, because nature and healthy food products are important to you? But how do you get started and stay on the right track? In this book, youll find out what kind of beekeeping best suits your needs, and how to establish a swarm or colony at the outset. The book outlines the course of the beekeeping year, how to determine whether your bees are doing well, and what tasks need to be carried out month by month in order to maintain the colony and the health of the bees. Why not simply make a start - beekeeping as a hobby will be sure to inspire you to new heights, and will delight you!
Hersteller: Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG
Matthias Ulmer
[email protected]Wollgrasweg 41
DE 70599 Stuttgart
Angelika Sust ist freie Redakteurin, angehende Naturpädagogin und selbst Imkerin. Sie gibt Workshops direkt am Bienenstock und engagiert sich bei Mellifera e.V. ("Bienen machen Schule") und beim Projekt "BienenSchuleBerlin".