Alles aus Wildpflanzen
Kochen & konservieren, heilen & vorbeugen, waschen & färben, räuchern & zaubern
Erschienen am
11.06.2015, 2. Auflage 2015
Cooking, medicinal uses, colouring and smoked products (new chapter: Detox with wild plants) Its possible to use our wild plants to make everything you need - from a tasty appetiser to a dessert, from a cough syrup for children to a sleeping potion for the menopause years, and from a candle wick to ink - and a plant weather indicator or a love potion might also come in handy in certain situations! For more than 20 years, the author has been compiling and testing old and new uses alike, and she has now gathered them all together in this book. For more than 100 herbs, shrubs and trees, she also gives valuable information such as the best time for harvesting, where they can be confused with other species, and information on growth sites. She also includes some interesting facts when it comes to plant names, old customs and sayings. For advanced herbal wizards!
Hersteller: Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG
Matthias Ulmer
[email protected]Wollgrasweg 41
DE 70599 Stuttgart
Die Wildpflanzenexpertin Coco Burckhardt lebt auf einem Selbstversorgerhof mit Wildpflanzenanbau im Allgäu. Als Dozentin für Weiterbildungen und als Walderzieherin gibt sie ihr fundiertes Wissen und ihre erprobten Rezepturen weiter.