More than 120 recipes for 750 g and 1,000 g Breadbaking delights at the push of a button, with more than 120 tested recipes and many tips from the baker and pastry chef, Mirjam Beile. Making your own bread in the breadbaking machine is very easy, and the author accompanies you every step of the way. The imaginative recipes for regional breads, wholemeal breads, bread rolls, particularly sophisticated breads, sweet and glutenfree breads, cooking with bread and preparing dough will be sure to bring variety to your table. A wealth of photographs of ingredients, preparation steps and recipes help ensure successful results. All the recipe quantities have been calculated for 750g and 1,000g loaves. With sound background information on devices and ingredients.
Hersteller: Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG
Matthias Ulmer
[email protected]Wollgrasweg 41
DE 70599 Stuttgart
Mirjam Beile ist gelernte Bäckerin und Konditorin. Sie absolvierte ihre Ausbildung in einer Vollkornbäckerei in Frankfurt und war danach in der Schweiz tätig. Ihre Brotbackautomatenbücher haben sich inzwischen zu einer Bestsellerreihe etabliert.