In this study changes in the locomotory behaviour of three different crustacean species (D. magna Straus, D. pulex Leydig, H. inermis Leach) have been used for studying sublethal effects of the heavy metals copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd). The behavioural responses were determined by a real time image analysis, using a video camera and a Pentium-PC equipped with a standard low cost frame grabber. For a sequence of 50 images per group, where 10 test organisms were moving simultaneously, the trajectories have been reconstructed in binary image sequences. As biological end points we defined the average swimming velocity and the average duration of swimming activity and inactivity. The behavioural responses of the crustaceans were analysed under normal conditions (without heavy metal stress) and after application of sublethal concentrations of the heavy metals Cu and Cd.
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Hubert Untersteiner, Dr. rer. nat.: Study of biology at theuniversity of Graz. Main emphasis: ecotoxicology andbiogeochemistry. PhD with distinction in 2004. Research assistantand lecturer at the BOKU-university Vienna an the university forveterinary medicine Vienna. Study director for ecotoxicology atARC Seibersdorf.