"The voice traverses Beckett's work in its entirety, defining its space and its structure. Emanating from an indeterminate source situated outside the narrators and characters, while permeating the very words they utter, it proves to be incessant. It can alternatively be violently intrusive, or embody a calming presence. Literary creation will be charged with transforming the mortification it inflicts into a vivifying relationship to language. In the exploration undertaken here, Lacanian psychoanalysis offers the means to approach the voice's multiple and fundamentally paradoxical facets with regards to language that founds the subject's vital relation to existence. Far from seeking to impose a rigid and purely abstract framework, this study aims to highlight the singularity and complexity of Beckett's work, and to outline a potentially vast field of investigation."
Hersteller: ibidem-Verlag
Christian Schön
[email protected]Leuschnerstrasse 40
DE 30457 Hannove
Llewellyn Brown is professeur agrégé and teaches French literature at the Lycée international de Saint-Germain-en-Laye. He has published Figures du mensonge littéraire: études sur l'écriture au XXe siècle (2005), L'Esthétique du pli dans l'oeuvre de Henri Michaux (2007), Beckett, les fictions brèves: voir et dire (2008), Savoir de l'amour (2012). He directs the 'Samuel Beckett' series for publisher Lettres modernes Minard (Paris).