This study was carried out with an objective of evaluating the breeding soundness, fresh and chilled semen, and fertility of Senar jackasses. The physical characteristics such as the body weight, height, body condition, and age of the jacks was measured and recorded. The semen was subjected to both gross and microscopic evaluation procedures after which the fertility of the semen was determined by inseminating Jennies and mares of known fertility. Jacks mounted on average for 4.61 times before developing full erection. There was a significant correlation between total semen volume and gel-free semen volume (r= 0.98; p<0.05); between total semen volume and sperm concentration (r=0.65; p<0.05). Sex drive did not affect any of the semen parameters. Pregnancy rate of the chilled semen after per-vaginal artificial insemination was 58.3% in Abyssinian Jennies (n= 12), 40% in Senar jennies (n=5) and 64.7% in mares (n=17).
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Aweke Tsega Aberra, DVM, MSc: Studied Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynecology At Addis Ababa University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Animal quarantine, Address- North Gondar, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Email:
[email protected].