The Nutrition Wing, Ministry of Health Pakistan has fully committed to flour fortification as a valuable approach to anemia prevention and control therefore it has initiated a National Wheat Flour Fortification Project (NWFFP). Preparatory activities leading towards national scale flour fortification are underway. NWFFP aims to introduce the universal fortification of wheat flour by the year 2013. The instant study Implementation and Analysis of Quantitative and Qualitative Research to Understand Consumer Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Surrounding Fortified Wheat Flour in Pakistan assesses the Knowledge Attitude & Practices (KAP) of consumers regarding wheat flour fortification and will form a basis for formulating a Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Strategy. To accomplish the desired objectives, a survey with both quantitative and qualitative components was conducted with a team-based approach to ensure quality of work. Sample selection was carried out by Contech international in a scientific manner using the cluster sampling technique and keeping in view the total population of the area to be surveyed and the population of the cities, towns and villages in the area.
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Dr.Mohammad Mohsin Khan,Associate Professor Department of Community Health Sciences Amna Inayat Medical College Lahore,Pakistan.Dr.Irfan Qadir, Associate Professor Anatomy Department Amna Inayat Medical College Lahore,Pakistan.Usman Ghanii,Provincial Health Educator Director General Health Office Punjab,Pakistan.