With the publication of all six- and eight-part motets as well as all canons, the fourth volume of the NSE completes the new edition of Ludwig Senfls motets. Among them are Senfls famous re-working of Josquin Desprez Ave, Maria. Virgo serena, the three eight-part motets with an unusually large scoring for the time (presumably composed for state events), as well as the works conceived as pure canons, such as the three-part double canon Crux fidelis - Ecce lignum crucis - O crux, ave, the Laudate Dominum conceived for 3-6 voices, or the riddle canon Salve, sancta parens designed as a magic square. In addition to the scholarly editions, the volume offers numerous illustrations, as well as comprehensive critical reports on each work, which provide comprehensive information on the texts, plainchant models, an evaluation of the sources, as well as the context of the works history.
Hersteller: Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag
Angelika Landbauer
[email protected]Trautsongasse 6/6
AT 1080 Wien
Stefan Gasch works at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. His research includes questions on sources, liturgy, and piety in the early modern period. Since 2015 he has been leading the research project of the New Senfl Edition. Scott Lee Edwards received his doctorate in the history and literature of music at the University of California, Berkeley and has held academic positions at New York University, and Excelsior College, Harvard University. Sonja Tröster works at the University of Vienna. Her main research interests include vernacular music culture, music and humanism in the sixteenth century, music philology, and the reception of Early music in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.