Simon Kindle (*1983) extends a hand to his audience and invites them to get involved. This handbook not only presents his most important works but also serves as a practical tool, allowing readers to take action and design the cover themselves. Alongside interaction and craftsmanship, a good dose of daring is essential to Simon Kindle's work. Through his performances, the artist challenges not only the audience but also himself, creating meaningful experiences. Often with a wink, Simon Kindle finds clear and coherent images for themes from everyday life and the art world. The questions and problems he addresses are familiar to us all: How do I present myself? Where do I stand? Can I do this? How do I navigate competition and selection? What does the place where I live mean to me? What defines it? How does community form? How do we organize our coexistence?
Hersteller: VFMK Verlag für moderne Kunst GmbH
[email protected]Schwedenplatz 2/24
AT 1010 Wien