The ecological and medical factors of the lithosphere and hydrosphere and their impact on the population health have been considered. The methods for mitigation of the impact of xenobiotics in drinking water have been elaborated. The natural and technonatural processes and catastrophes have been considered as factors of impact on the biota. The conceptual and historico-geological models of life formation on the Earth and the analysis of consequences of the global ecological crisis have been proposed. A new system of stratigraphic division, scenarios of human development in the future have been developed. Formation of geological and medical conditions has been studied by the exampe of the Carpathian Region. It has been established that these conditions are controlled by organization of the geological environment.
G.I. Rudko is the Chairman of the State Commission of Ukraine on Mineral Resources, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Ecology, Environmental Monitoring and Audit Department of the State Environmental Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management.