Alexander Litvinenko, a fugitive ex-FSB officer, died in London in 2006. Here is a chronicle of events related to the personality of Litvinenko, without any conclusions or accusations. The chronicle of events is based on data provided by the media of different countries. In the Litvinenko case, British intelligence services are checking airports and aircraft in London and Moscow for radioactive threat. The Western press savours details and writes about the "hand of Moscow," about the armada of Russian spies, says about Litvinenko's proximity to Chechen fighters and al-Qaeda. Shortly before his death he converted to Islam. Lawyer Sergei Magnitsky died in November 2009 in the pre-trial detention center, and there is still no unified version of his death. The US State Department's summer visa sanctions against a number of Russian officials involved in the death of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky of Hermitage Capital Management's investment fund are a blow to the "reset" policy between Washington and Moscow, Russian experts say.
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Andrey Tikhomirov, in 1986 afgestudeerd aan het Orenburgse Staatspedagogisch Instituut met een graad in geschiedenis, sociale wetenschappen, staat en recht, werkte als leraar op middelbare scholen en universiteiten, en redigeerde kranten. Hij heeft gepubliceerd in Wit-Rusland, Duitsland, Letland, Mauritius, Rusland en de VS.