Weather and Society: Toward Integrated Approaches provides the first interdisciplinary approach to the subject of weather and society. This guide to the evolving set of problem-solving approaches to weathers societal issues successfully integrates social sciences techniques, concepts and methodologies into meteorological research and practice. Drawing especially on the work of the WAS*IS workshops (Weather and Society * Integrated Studies), this important reference offers a framework for starting to understand how the consideration of societal impacts can enhance the scientific disciplines that address the scope and impacts of weather, particularly meteorology. Filled with tools, concepts, case studies and helpful exercises, this resource:
Lays the groundwork for conducting interdisciplinary work by learning new strategies and addressing typical challengesIdentifies leaders of the movement to integrate social science and meteorology and highlights their contributionsIncludes discussion of such tools as Geographic Information Systems, survey design, focus groups, participatory research and interviewing techniques and conceptsReveals effective integrated research and applications though real-world examples in a global contextHelps to identify ways to pursue research, application, and educational opportunities for integrated weather-society work
Weather and Society is a hands-on guide for academics, students and professionals that offers a new approach to the successful integration of social science concepts and methodologies into the fabric of meteorological research and practice.
Acknowledgments x
Preface xii
1 The Need for Integrated Approaches to Weather and Society 1
1.1 Rationale for This Book 1
Research Spotlight Box: Forecasts are Improving Dramatically 3
1.2 The Audience for This Book 8
1.3 Defining Weather and Society: Integrated Approaches 10
1.4 What Social Sciences Have in Common with Each Other and with Atmospheric Science? 15
1.5 Social Science Methodologies 18
1.5.1 Surveys 18
1.5.2 Direct Observations 19
1.5.3 Participatory Action Research 19
1.5.4 Focus Groups 20
1.6 What Is Not Social Science? 21
1.7 Doing Social Science Versus Incorporating Societal Impacts 22
1.8 Questions for Review and Discussion 23
1.9 Using What Youve Learned: Homework Assignment From the Chapter 24
References 25
2 History of the Movement to Integrate Social Science Into Atmospheric Science 29
2.1 Early Weather Forecasting for Impacts 29
2.2 Historians and Weather 30
2.3 Weather and Society Efforts Build on Natural Hazards Research and Practice 32
2.3.1 Efforts to Add Social Dimensions to Solving Weather Problems 35
2.3.2 Weather and Society * Integrated StudiesWAS*IS 36
2.3.3 Integrated Warning Team Meetings 39
2.3.4 American Meteorological Society Summer Policy Colloquium 39
2.3.5 Social Science Woven into Meteorology (SSWIM) 39
2.3.6 VORTEXSoutheast 42
Research Spotlight Box: Doing Social Science Reveals Challenges to Accepted Assumptions 43
2.4 Physical Science Myths Related to Climate and Applicable to Weather 45
2.5 Meteorological Aspects of NonMeteorological Hazards 48
2.6 Research That Evaluates What People Did When They Heard a Warning: Hurricane Ike 2008 Case Study 50
2.7 Questions for Review and Discussion 53
2.8 Using What Youve Learned: Homework Assignment From the Chapter 54
References 55
3 Social Science Partners and the Weather/Society Work They Do 59
3.1 The Partners and How They Do Their Work 61
3.2 Anthropology 64
3.3 Communication 68
3.4 Economics 71
3.5 Geography 76
3.6 Psychology 83
3.7 Sociology 87
3.8 Questions for Review and Discussion 94
3.9 Using What Youve Learned: Homework Assignment From the Chapter 96
References 97
4 Thirteen Profiles of Leaders in Weather and Social Science 105
4.1 Angles Recommendations for Integrating Social Science and Atmospheric Science 108
4.2 Dr. Beckers Recommendations for Integrating Social Science and Atmospheric Science 109
4.3 Dr. Demuths Recommendations for Integrating Social Science and Atmospheric Science 112
4.4 Dobsons Recommendations for Integrating Social Science and Atmospheric Science 114
4.5 Fransens Recommendations for Integrating Social Science and Atmospheric Science 116
4.6 Holthaus Recommendations for Integrating Social Science and Atmospheric Science 118
4.7 Dr. Lazrus Recommendations for Integrating Social Science and Atmospheric Science 120
4.8 Dr. Morss Recommendations for Integrating Social Science and Atmospheric Science 122
4.9 Moultons Recommendations for Integrating Social Science and Atmospheric Science 124
4.10 Dr. Ruins Recommendations for Integrating Social Science and Atmospheric Science 126
4.11 Dr. Schumachers Recommendations for Integrating Social Science and Atmospheric Science 127
4.12 Spinneys Recommendations for Integrating Social Science and Atmospheric Science 129
4.13 Vitols Recommendations for Integrating Social Science and Atmospheric Science 131
4.14 Questions for Review and Discussion 132
4.15 Using What Youve Learned: Homework Assignment From the Chapter 132
References 133
5 Moving Toward Integrated Weather and Society Research and PracticeA New Paradigm 134
5.1 How Social Scientists and Meteorologists Work Together to Create New Scientific Conceptual Models and Methods: Start with Adjacent Projects 134
Case Study: Schools and Tornado Saferooms 135
Case Study: Storm Surge Warnings From the NWSMoving From Adjacent Social Scientific Collaboration to Integrative Collaborations 137
Case Study: Required Integrated Research: National Science Foundation Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems Program 139
5.2 Increased Popularity for How Important It Is for Meteorologists to Understand Some Social Science 140
5.3 Possible New Common Ground for Integrated Approaches to Weather and Society: Emergence of Convergence Science 140
5.4 SocioMeteorological Testbeds 145
5.5 Wicked Problems and Momentum In the Movement Toward Integrated WeatherSociety Science 146
5.6 Hard or Soft Science? Evening the Playground Between the Sciences 147
5.7 Human Machine Interface 148
5.8 Questions for Review and Discussion 151
5.9 Using What Youve Learned: Homework Assignment From the Chapter 151
References 152
6 Ways to Be Part of the Transformation to Integrated Weather Studies 156
6.1 Be Part of the Move From WAS to IS 156
6.2 Understand the Cycle of Change 157
6.3 Keep the Momentum Going Toward the Integration of Social and Atmospheric Science 160
6.4 Build Durable PartnershipsRecognize the Power of Networking 161
6.5 Support May Come From Surprising Sources 163
6.6 Five Key Research Priorities for New Hybrid Weather Society Researchers and Practitioners 163
6.7 How Science Changes 173
6.8 SocioHydrology Emerges 174
6.9 New Integrated Disciplines on the Horizon 175
6.10 Changing the Paradigm Takes Time and Will Require Patience 177
6.11 Hybrids By DesignSocioHydroMeteorology 178
6.12 How to Become a Participant in the Movement to Integrate the Social Sciences and Atmospheric Science 180
6.13 The Challenges Are Not Overwhelming 181
6.13.1 Scientific Budgets Are Lean 181
6.13.2 Be Patient and Optimistic and Keep Pushing 181
6.14 Meteorologists Embracing Social Science Is a First Step 182
6.14.1 Be Part of the Integrated Studies Movement 183
6.14.2 Work Out WideOpen Ways for Partners to Thrive 183
6.15 Work for the Longer Term 184
6.15.1 New Integrated Graduate Programs and New Integrated Training Models 184
6.15.2 Positive Outlook for Careers for People with a Background in Integrated Studies 185
6.15.3 Climate Change will Exacerbate the Need for Integrated WeatherSociety Research and Practice 186
6.16 Questions for Review and Discussion 188
6.17 Using What Youve Learned: Homework Assignment From the Chapter 188
References 190
Appendix A: List of Acronyms 194
Appendix B: Blogs and Websites that Integrate Weather and Society 196
Appendix C: Other Relevant Web Resources 199
Addendum 200
Index 203