Dances of Middle East
Armenian dances, Assyrian dances, Bellydance, Dances of Georgia (country), Egyptian dances, Iranian dances, Kurdish dance, Turkish dances, United Arab Emirati dances, Belly dance, Kathak, Dabke, Improv Tribal Style Belly Dance, Köçek
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29.06.2012, 1. Auflage 2012
Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 17. Chapters: Ardah, Dabke, Fann at-Tanbura, Ghawazi, Khigga, Liwa (music), M'alayah, Middle Eastern dance, Mizmar (dance), Romani dance, Samri, Yalli. Excerpt: 56 article summaries including: Art of Middle Eastern dance. International Academy of Middle Eastern Dance (IAMED). IAMED: The International Academy of Middle Eastern Dance. Essentially Egyptian: raqs sharqi has experienced its fair share of controversy over the generations but despite adversity the power of Middle Eastern dance remains strong and is currently attracting growing global attention Maria Golia reports from Cairo(MOSAIC). ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe. Unveiling belly dance. Essentially Egyptian. Foot loose and fancy free. Ibrahim Farrah(Obituary). They could have danced all night. The billy dancing boom. Remembering Reema: dancers in support of VA Tech(dance matters)(Reema Samaha). Tap gets a new home in NYC(teach-learn connection)(American Tap Dance Foundation's buidling in New York City)(Brief article). The Rough Guide to Bellydancing(Book Review). The body eclectic. DS' annual unveiling of the Los Angeles dance scene. Jumping for joy. Zurich International Women's Association(Club News). Legacies(cultural events)(Calendar). George, Margaret 1943-. PERSONAL:. ADDRESSES:. CAREER:. MEMBER:. AWARDS, HONORS:. WRITINGS:. Dance Classes. Bellydance superstars(VITAL SIGNS). In the company of my Muslim sisters(Paths to Peace: Across cultures). bringing the world into your studio. Guide(Calendar). Middle East meets upper East side. Sacred Grounds offering canoes, coffee, conversation. Woman shares her passion for Middle Eastern art form. Circus Maven. TALK TO US. Israel Piano Trio. Zurich International Women's association(Club News). Zurich International Women's Association(Club Scene). New Life events(Calendar). New Life events(health care industry)(Calendar). Profile: Seattle accountant Manon Martin moving to Paris for a new career as a belly dancer. Jawaahir Dance Company(receives $8,500 grant)(Brief Article). Shirley Ubell (dance school founder)(Great Starts: American Teacher Series). Step Lively!(National Dance Week)(Brief Article). the GLOBAL dance studio. In this issue: Changing places. Ballet and Beyond. do you have it covered. What's up: People & places. Club news(Calendar). Night life: the 25 best bars & clubs. Midnight Tales: A Woman's Journey through the Middle East(Brief Article)(Book Review). Zurich International Women's Association. Belly Up. Wey-hey and Up She Rises: Land-locked Prairie poets bring the sea to the heartland. Schools Making News. Mohamed El Hosseny Dazzles Audiences on Premier American Tour. Pharaoh's Daughter: Out of the Reeds(Sound Recording Review). City focus: Unveiling the Miami, FL dance scene. Research reports on electromyography from University of Waterloo provide new insights. New life events(Calendar)
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