InhaltsangabeAcknowledgments 1 Introduction 2 Information Ethics as a Guide for the Media: Old Tricks for New Dogs 3 The Business of the Media and the Business of the Market 4 Professionalism in Behavior and Identity 5 A Conflict of Media Roles: Advertising, Public Relations, and Journalism 6 Corruption in the Media 7 Two Dimensions of Photo Manipulation: Correction and Corruption 8 Promoting, Codifying, and Regulating Ethics 9 Moral Excellence and Role Models in the Media Index
1: Introduction. 2: Information Ethics as a Guide for the Media: Old Tricks for New Dogs. 3: The Business of the Media and the Business of the Market. 4: Professionalism in Behaviour and Identity. 5: A Conflict of Media Roles: Advertising, Public Relations and Journalism. 6: Corruption in the Media. 7: Two Dimensions of Photo Manipulation: Correction and Corruption. 8: Promoting, Codifying and Regulating Ethics. 9: Moral Excellence and Role Models in the Media.