InhaltsangabeIdentification of New Papillomavirus Types EthelMichele de Villiers, Corinna Whitley, and Karin Gunst Identification of HPV Variants John Cason, Jon Bible, and Christine Mant Histochemical Analysis of Cutaneous HPV-Associated Lesions Kiyofumi Egawa Histological Analysis of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Michael Babawale, Rashmi Seth, Adam Christian, Wessam Al-Utayem, Ragini Narula, and David Jenkins Detection of Papillomavirus Proteins and DNA in Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Sections Woei Ling Peh and John Doorbar Detection and Quantitation of HPV Gene Expression Using Real-Time PCR Rashmi Seth, John Rippin, Li Guo, and David Jenkins Analysis of p16INK4a and Integrated HPV Genomes as Progression Markers Svetlana Vinokurova, Nicolas Wentzensen, and Magnus von Knebel Doeberitz Use of Biomarkers in the Evaluation of CIN Grade and Progression of Early CIN Jan P. A. Baak and Arnold-Jan Kruse HPV DNA Detection and Typing in Cervical Scrapes Peter J. F. Snijders, Adriaan J. C. van den Brule, Marcel V. Jacobs, René P. Pol, and Chris J. L. M. Meijer HPV DNA Detection and Typing in Inapparent Cutaneous Infections and Premalignant Lesions Maurits de Koning, Linda Struijk, Mariet Feltkamp, and Jan ter Schegget Establishing HPV-Containing Keratinocyte Cell Lines From Tissue Biopsies Margaret Anne Stanley Using an Immortalized Cell Line to Study the HPV Life Cycle in Organotypic 'Raft' Cultures Paul F. Lambert, Michelle A. Ozbun, Asha Collins, Sigrid Holmgren, Denis Lee, and Tomomi Nakahara Differentiation of HPV-Containing Cells Using Organotypic 'Raft' Culture or Methylcellulose Regina Wilson and Laimonis A. Laimins Propagation of Infectious, High-Risk HPV in Organotypic 'Raft' Culture Margaret E. McLaughlin-Drubin and Craig Meyers RetrovirusMediated GeneTransfer to Analyze HPV Gene Regulation and Protein Functions in Organotypic 'Raft' Cultures N. Sanjib Banerjee, Louise T. Chow, and Thomas R. Broker The HPV Xenograft Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Mouse Model William Bonnez The Cottontail Rabbit Papillomavirus Model of High-Risk HPV-Induced Disease Janet L. Brandsma Studying the HPV Life Cycle in 3A Trophoblasts and Resulting Pathophysiology Yong Liu, Hong You, and Paul L. Hermonat Replication and Encapsidation of Papillomaviruses in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Peter C. Angeletti Analysis of the Regulation of Viral Transcription Bernd Gloss, Mina Kalantari, and Hans-Ulrich Bernard Analysis of HPV Transcription by RPA Jason M. Bodily and Craig Meyers Analysis of Regulatory Motifs Within HPV Transcripts Sarah A. Cumming and Sheila V. Graham Detection of HPV Transcripts by Nested RT-PCR Christine Mant, Barbara Kell, and John Cason Analysis of HPV DNA Replication Using Transient Transfection and Cell-Free Assays Biing Yuan Lin, Thomas R. Broker, and Louise T. Chow Detection and Quantitation of HPV DNA Replication by Southern Blotting and Real-Time PCR Iain M. Morgan and Ewan R. Taylor Analysis of E7/Rb Associations Sandra Caldeira, Wen Dong, and Massimo Tommasino Transformation Assays for HPV Oncoproteins Paola Massimi and Lawrence Banks Analysis of Adeno-Associated Virus and HPV Interaction Paul L. Hermonat, Hong You, C. Maurizio Chiriva-Internati, and Yong Liu In Vitro Assays of Substrate Degradation Induced by High-Risk HPV E6 Oncoproteins Miranda Thomas and Lawrence Banks Measuring the Induction or Inhibition of Apoptosis by HPV Proteins Anna M. Kowalczyk, Geraldine E. Roeder, Katie Green, David J. Stephens, and Kevin Gaston Codon Optimization of Papillomavirus G
Hersteller: Humana Press in Springer Science + Business Media
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DE 14197 Berlin
Identification of New Papillomavirus Types Ethel-Michele de Villiers, Corinna Whitley, and Karin Gunst Identification of HPV Variants John Cason, Jon Bible, and Christine Mant Histochemical Analysis of Cutaneous HPV-Associated Lesions Kiyofumi Egawa Histological Analysis of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Michael Babawale, Rashmi Seth, Adam Christian, Wessam Al-Utayem, Ragini Narula, and David Jenkins Detection of Papillomavirus Proteins and DNA in Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Sections Woei Ling Peh and John Doorbar Detection and Quantitation of HPV Gene Expression Using Real-Time PCR Rashmi Seth, John Rippin, Li Guo, and David Jenkins Analysis of p16INK4a and Integrated HPV Genomes as Progression Markers Svetlana Vinokurova, Nicolas Wentzensen, and Magnus von Knebel Doeberitz Use of Biomarkers in the Evaluation of CIN Grade and Progression of Early CIN Jan P. A. Baak and Arnold-Jan Kruse HPV DNA Detection and Typing in Cervical Scrapes Peter J. F. Snijders, Adriaan J. C. van den Brule, Marcel V. Jacobs, Rene P. Pol, and Chris J. L. M. Meijer HPV DNA Detection and Typing in Inapparent Cutaneous Infections and Premalignant Lesions Maurits de Koning, Linda Struijk, Mariet Feltkamp, and Jan ter Schegget Establishing HPV-Containing Keratinocyte Cell Lines From Tissue Biopsies Margaret Anne Stanley Using an Immortalized Cell Line to Study the HPV Life Cycle in Organotypic "Raft" Cultures Paul F. Lambert, Michelle A. Ozbun, Asha Collins, Sigrid Holmgren, Denis Lee, and Tomomi Nakahara Differentiation of HPV-Containing Cells Using Organotypic "Raft" Culture or Methylcellulose Regina Wilson and Laimonis A. Laimins Propagation of Infectious, High-Risk HPV in Organotypic "Raft" Culture Margaret E. McLaughlin-Drubin and Craig Meyers Retrovirus-Mediated Gene Transfer to Analyze HPV Gene Regulation and Protein Functions in Organotypic "Raft" Cultures N. Sanjib Banerjee, Louise T. Chow, and Thomas R. Broker The HPV Xenograft Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Mouse Model William Bonnez The Cottontail Rabbit Papillomavirus Model of High-Risk HPV-Induced Disease Janet L. Brandsma Studying the HPV Life Cycle in 3A Trophoblasts and Resulting Pathophysiology Yong Liu, Hong You, and Paul L. Hermonat Replication and Encapsidation of Papillomaviruses in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Peter C. Angeletti Analysis of the Regulation of Viral Transcription Bernd Gloss, Mina Kalantari, and Hans-Ulrich Bernard Analysis of HPV Transcription by RPA Jason M. Bodily and Craig Meyers Analysis of Regulatory Motifs Within HPV Transcripts Sarah A. Cumming and Sheila V. Graham Detection of HPV Transcripts by Nested RT-PCR Christine Mant, Barbara Kell, and John Cason Analysis of HPV DNA Replication Using Transient Transfection and Cell-Free Assays Biing Yuan Lin, Thomas R. Broker, and Louise T. Chow Detection and Quantitation of HPV DNA Replication by Southern Blotting and Real-Time PCR Iain M. Morgan and Ewan R. Taylor Analysis of E7/Rb Associations Sandra Caldeira, Wen Dong, and Massimo Tommasino Transformation Assays for HPV Oncoproteins Paola Massimi and Lawrence Banks Analysis of Adeno-Associated Virus and HPV Interaction Paul L. Hermonat, Hong You, C. Maurizio Chiriva-Internati, and Yong Liu In Vitro Assays of Substrate Degradation Induced by High-Risk HPV E6 Oncoproteins Miranda Thomas and Lawrence Banks Measuring the Induction ...