Back to the roots - ancient and almost forgotten grains such as emmer, einkorn wheat and spelt are in demand like never before. Get to know these age-old treasures and their valuable ingredients in detailed profiles, and discover more than 50 original recipe - from carrot-urkorn bread to spelt-einkorn-emmer bread and light-rye-sour dough bread. And if you dont have an automatic bread-making machine, its not a problem - all the recipes are suitable for baking in normal ovens as well.
Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG
Matthias Ulmer
Wollgrasweg 41
DE 70599 Stuttgart
Mirjam Beile ist gelernte Bäckerin und Konditorin. Sie absolvierte ihre Ausbildung in einer Vollkornbäckerei in Frankfurt und war danach in der Schweiz tätig. Ihre Brotbackautomatenbücher haben sich inzwischen zu einer Bestsellerreihe etabliert.