Controversies are part of a pluralistic society: they show that a lively debate is taking place and that things that are taken for granted are being questioned. Schools are places where controversial topics are discussed. Dealing with controversial topics therefore becomes a task and a challenge for teachers and for teacher training programmes. The articles in this volume discuss the didactic and ethical points of reference that teachers can use to orientate themselves when dealing with controversy.
Hersteller: Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH
Magdalena Lautenschlager
[email protected]Stauffenbergstraße 7
DE 51379 Leverkusen-Opladen
Dr. Simon Meisch, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Internationales Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften (IZEW), Universität Tübingen Dr. Uta Müller, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Internationales Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften (IZEW), Universität Tübingen